author Simon Rodger

Simon Rodger

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1

Simon Rodger is the CEO of Johnston Grocke.  With a diverse range of professional experiences both in and outside of the finance and property industry, Simon brings a strategic and commercial focus to the business, together with a passion for outstanding client service. Simon is a firm believer in the value of having a professionally run firm that can help clients save time and money by providing multiple services from the one place. With additional responsibilities outside of the firm, especially with South Australian football and the community services sector, Simon is often accused of taking on too much. He knows he is guilty of this, refuses to admit it, but acknowledges that even though a day off doing nothing sounds magnificent, in reality he would get bored. For over 20 years, Johnston Grocke has been helping people make sound financial decisions based not only on the best advice, but also by offering them the freedom to choose the best option for them. Right from the very start, we were determined to build our business based around care, integrity, commitment and professionalism. And we have not wavered from our principles. We see your world. We respect what you value. That’s what sets us apart as a financial services group. Johnston Grocke is a people company, dedicated to giving clients the freedom to choose a secure, financial future across the broadest possible range of financial, business and property services.      

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