Ten ways to find the best property manager
Choosing a property manager is important and just like when buying real estate, there are different tenancy laws in every state of Australia. Here are 10 tips that can help investors assess a good property management agency

Blogger: Sam Saggers, CEO, Positive Real Estate
1. Does the agency specialize in provision of property management services or is the agency a general sales and property management business?
2. Is the agency’s principal or one of the principals actively involved in property management activities?
3. Check on the reputation of the principal(s). Speak with those who have had business dealings with them, assess their ethics, integrity and experience.
4. Will you be provided with a dedicated property manager or do you have to liaise with several staff about your requirements?
5. Will you be supplied with the direct contact details for your property manager– phone, mobile and email?
6. How many websites will be used to promote your property?
7. Are prospective tenants given keys to inspect properties without supervision or are they personally shown the property by the property manager?
8. Are prospective tenants required to provide sufficient levels of identification (100 points) when applying to rent your property?
9. Does the agency utilize national tenancy databases to check the renting credentials of applicants?
10. Are references checks completed comprehensively from applicant’s employers, referees and previous and current Managing Agents?