10 services your property manager should offer

If you’re on the lookout for a property manager, make sure you are aware of the day-to-day jobs that you can expect them to perform.

cindy knight

Blogger: Cindy Knight, general manager, Time Conti Sheffield

1. Work out an appropriate rental rate

  • Undertake an in-depth inspection of the property
  • Evaluate the property in terms of comparable rentals in the area, market conditions and historical yields
  • Make recommendations as to improvements and additions that will improve the property’s appeal, enable a higher rental rate and provide a solid return on investment
  • Offer suggestions that will attract higher rents, such as making the property pet-friendly

2. Market the property for rent

  • Draw up a detailed document on the property, including quality photographs that showcase its best attributes
  • Market the property as widely as possible using a variety of appropriate resources and communication channels (including rental listing websites, social media platforms, print media, tenant databases etc.)

3. Tenant screening and selection

  • Screen prospective tenants using a variety of tools, including background and reference checks, personal interviews, tenant databases and rental history

4. Assist the tenant with moving in

  • Ensure the property is rent-ready (oversee interior cleaning, garden tidy-ups, enhancing kerbside appeal etc.)
  • Draw up a lease agreement (in accordance with legislation and including items such as rent payment terms, frequency of inspections, renewal options etc.)
  • Liaise with tenant and property owner to establish a move-in date
  • Draw up a property condition report and have it agreed to and signed by the tenant
  • Collect the bond and any rent payable in advance

5. Inspections

  • Undertake property inspections according to the schedule stipulated in the lease
  • Be the conduit for regular communication between the tenant and the owner regarding any maintenance and repairs, and keep the owner updated on the condition of the property

6. Rent collection

  • Collect rent
  • Follow up on late or unpaid rent
  • Communicate with tenants about any rent issues
  • Enforce penalties for late rent and non-payment
  • Liaise with tenants and owners ahead of any rent increase deadlines

7. Legal issues

  • Keep up to date with local, state and federal legislation regarding tenancy (from both the renter’s and the property owner’s perspective)
  • Comply with all relevant legislative requirements
  • Handle legal disputes and procedures, such as evictions, according to the letter of the law

8. Maintenance and repairs

  • Use a list of approved, trusted service providers and tradespeople to undertake repairs cost-effectively
  • Proactively develop a maintenance schedule
  • Suggest preventative maintenance and/or repairs to save costs over the longer term
  • Oversee any repairs or maintenance issues on the property
  • Respond promptly to any tenant’s queries on matters of repair and maintenance
  • Liaise with owners on matters of repair and maintenance

9. Financial matters

  • Provide comprehensive accounting records and services on all properties under management
  • Make payments on the property owner’s behalf where required
  • Keep detailed and accurate documentation of all incoming and outgoing monies
  • Provide appropriate tax documentation

10. Vacate responsibilities

  • Complete inspection and condition report
  • Evaluate any damages/repairs and estimate costs
  • Return bond or portion thereof when appropriate
  • Arrange for the property to be cleaned and any repairs done
  • Undertake any other necessary tasks before a new tenant moves in, such as changing locks

Of course, this list is not meant to be prescriptive nor exhaustive, but it provides some idea of what you can expect. You’ll also find that property managers don’t all offer the same range of services, and that it’s worth exploring your options before making a commitment.

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