Which places paid the most and least for tradies across Australia this year?
New data has been released about the average hourly rate for tradies across the country, indicating what you might pay if you need something fixed or renovated.

Revealed in the Trade Cost Guide 2018 by ServiceSeeking, the cost of tradies over the last 12 months have mostly risen, with every state recorded showing a rise for all services.
NSW led the charge for the highest rise with 11.6 per cent. Following this was Victoria at a rise of 9.8 per cent, then Western Australia at 8.8 per cent and then Queensland at 6.7 per cent.
Here is a breakdown for other tradies and how they stack up across the country:
Painter prices are influenced largely by supply and demand, according to ServiceSeeking; the more supply there is, the lower the price rise. Victoria is currently the cheapest state or territory for painters, who charge $42.17 per hour, and South Australia is considered the most expensive state or territory, charging $56.30 per hour on average.
As electrical work is a highly skilled trade, prices are typically high without much room to find a low cheap rate. Western Australian electricians charge the most at an hourly rate at $90.00 per hour, while those in South Australia charge only $75.
Across each state and territory, plumbers turned out to be the most expensive tradie overall. Plumbers from the ACT charge the most at $99.88 per hour on average, and Tasmanians pay the least at $58.80 per hour on average.
Tasmanian builders charged the least for their work at $55.75 per hour on average, while those from the ACT charged the most at $76.53 per hour.
Carpentry in Tasmania will set investors back only $49.58 per hour on average, but those in New South Wales will definitely feel the sting at $68.66 per hour on average.
South Australian gardeners have the cheapest fee at $40.55 per hour on average, while investors will need to pay the most amount of green at $57.66 for a set of green thumbs.
Landscaping in NSW will set investors back $59.31 per hour on average but only $36.23 per hour on average in Tasmania.
Plasterers were the most consistent tradie across the country, with prices ranging by just over $10. The most expensive plasterers are located in South Australia, charging $56.30 per hour on average, and the least expensive are in Victoria, charging $48.51 per hour on average.
Cleaners were by far the most affordable tradie, with the highest price charge coming from the ACT at $41.68 per hour on average and lowest price from South Australia at $32.80 per hour on average.