Don’t let your tenant’s Christmas lights shine too brightly
With Christmas less than two weeks away, a reminder has been issued to landlords to ensure their tenants’ Christmas cheer doesn’t shine too brightly.

Any landlords with tenants in strata apartments and townhouses should be reminded of their relevant by-laws before they decide to deck the halls with elaborate Christmas displays, a strata specialist has said.
Archers the Strata Professionals partner Grant Mifsud highlighted that tenants should be seeking approval from their body corporate before proceeding with Christmas lights and decorations.
“Most bodies corporate have by-laws prohibiting additions to the exterior of the building without approval, which can include hanging Christmas decorations and lights from balconies and windows,” Mr Mifsud said.
“At Christmas, when you’re having fun, you need to consider your neighbours, particularly when your decorations light up nearby bedrooms and living areas,” he said.
“Residents that do not consider appropriate positioning and timing could create tension and complaints from neighbours resulting in by-law enforcement action taken against them.
“Decorations can also create dangerous situations if there are electrical faults or overloads, particularly in storm season,” Mr Mifsud added.
If tenants are given the all-clear for Christmas lights, Mr Mifsud suggested that the lights should be checked before installing, citing research from insurer RACQ.
“Their research found many residents use the same set of lights from year to year and they are easily damaged in storage,” he said.
Body corporates should also be wary of the length of time that Christmas lights or decoration displays are left on for when granting approval, to ensure that they do not become a burden for neighbours and/or an electrical fire hazard.
Mr Mifsud’s has previously made a range of tips for keeping the peace in a strata property during Christmas time. These include making sure parking access is clear to all, using shared spaces mindfully, limiting loud noises and throwing away garbage respectfully.